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African Economies

Minister Maliba Presents Key Digital Projects to Chinese Investors at DRC-China Economic Forum

Minister Maliba Presents Key Digital Projects to Chinese Investors at DRC-China Economic Forum

Six key digital projects could drive growth and draw Chinese investments in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Last week, a group of Chinese investors and the Congolese Minister of Telecommunications and Digital, Augustin Kibassa Maliba discussed the projects. The meeting occurred in Beijing, at the DRC-China Economic Forum, on the eve of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum (FOCAC).

The six projects, according to Minister Maliba, include extending the national fiber optic network to 50,000 km, building a center of excellence, expanding 3G and 4G coverage to 8,406 rural villages, constructing national data centers, deploying satellite infrastructure, and creating community telecenters across the country.

Once implemented, these projects will improve access to quality Internet and digital services for more people, speed up the digitization of public administration, promote digital skills training for youth, and encourage digital innovation to create wealth.

Since 2019, the DRC government has been introducing reforms to enhance its telecommunications and digital industry. In 2020, a new law on telecommunications and information and communication technologies replaced the previous law from 2002. This was followed by a law promoting entrepreneurship and startups in 2022, and the adoption of a Digital Code in March 2023 to support the digital economy.

With a population of nearly 100 million, the DRC has an Internet penetration rate of about 40%. The latest report from the telecom regulator shows that interest in digital solutions is growing, as mobile Internet usage is increasing and is expected to surpass voice calls. However, the country ranks 132nd out of 134 in the Network Readiness Index 2023, indicating ongoing challenges in infrastructure.

The Congolese Minister highlighted several government policies to attract Chinese investors to the DRC's digital market, including attractive tax incentives and a public-private partnership (PPP) approach.

Muriel Edjo


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African Economies


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