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African Economies

DRC: EU Funds Construction of Beni Economic Park in Northern Kivu Region

DRC: EU Funds Construction of Beni Economic Park in Northern Kivu Region

An economic park is being built in Beni, in the Northern Kivu region of DR Congo. The project was kicked off earlier this week. Backed by the European Union, the park is the fruit of a collaboration between Virunga National Park, the Congolese Institute for Nature Conservation (ICCN), and the local administration. It aims to revitalize the local economy and improve the security of local populations facing threats from armed groups.

The construction project should be completed within three months, according to Emmanuel Démerode, Director of Virunga National Park. The project will house a modern oil press to enhance local palm oil production, and a fortified security post to protect local communities. The post will be set up with the Armed Forces’ support. 

The European Union hopes the project will impact thousands of people, similar to a successful project previously implemented in Mutwanga, which has shown positive results in security and local development. The cost of the new project is yet to be known. 



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